TrackMeLap launched at International Security National Resilience Exhibition and Conference in London
Released on: December 18, 2007, 1:10 pm
Press Release Author: Tramigo Ltd
Industry: Telecommunications
Press Release Summary: The outstanding versatility and performance of Tramigo\'s T22 Personal Asset Tracking Device has been combined with a little creative thinking, by one of Tramigo\'s partners in the UK, to create TrackMeLap, a laptop carrier and briefcase with in-built tracking and listening capabilities.
The increasing trend for the theft and loss of laptop computers is on a steep rise. The effects are ball too obvious, not just in financial terms or inconvenience, but the loss and compromising of the security of the data held therein can cause untold damage to an organization and its reputation.
Press Release Body: It is a phenomenon that is of increasing concern not only to police, security agencies and governments, but industry and commerce too.
TrackMeLap (TML) has been designed to specifically combat these widespread thefts and losses. The T22 Tracking Device is cleverly hidden within the framework of the case, out of sight of the \'thief\', but easily accessible to the owner. The silent operation of the Tracker and its built-in back-up battery, make it the ideal unit for not alerting the perpetrator to the tracking and recovery of the valuable assets it is protecting.
Even if a police report is filed, how is the physical location of the lost or stolen laptop, documents or data discovered? As we all know it isn\'t! That\'s where TrackMeLap comes into play and is the key to locating and recovering that valuable laptop, briefcase, critical documents and data. The TML Unit provides both the ability to track the lost or stolen asset and present its every movement and location via street level mapping, ahile also acting as a personal protection/lone worker security device. The unit can even open a one way voice listening facility to allow you to hear the perpetrators every conversation until such time as the asset is recovered.
TrackMeLap comes with the additional benefit of providing the carrier/user with a personal distress incident panic alert button, which when activated sends location and status information to a host PC or security department and also sends an immediate text message alert to pre-designated mobile phones authorized by the unit\'s owner.
Travelling abroad on business or just catching the train for an important meeting, peace of mind is now available with TrackMeLap protecting valuable assets. No more lost luggage nightmares, no more sensitive documents, data or valuables falling into the wrong hands with no hope of recovery... Tramigo delivers the solution.
Tramigo is a company of private capital with its headquarters in Finland and subsidiaries in Asia, Latin America and Europe. Tramigo manufactures cost efficiently personal asset tracking devices that are easy to use, useful for the final clients in everyday life and economical to use.
Tramigo products are globally available. For more information about Tramigo tracking products, please visit and please e-mail for distributor and re-seller opportunities.More information about Tramigo T22.
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